Instituto Superior Técnico/U Lisboa


ULisboa-IST is the largest university in Portugal and, notwithstanding assessment methods or criteria, leads the main international rankings and is amongst the 200 best universities worldwide.

ULisboa is comprised of 18 schools, educational and research units with self-governing bodies, including Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) - representing about 25% of the university - the largest and most reputed school of engineering, science and technology in Portugal.

ULisboa-IST offers BSc, MSc and PhD programmes, lifelong training and develops R&D and Innovation activities, essential to provide an education based on the top international standards. Its mission is expressed in the three functions which characterize the concept of a modern university: to generate knowledge, to provide skilled professionals and to transfer and apply knowledge and innovation by creating cutting-edge science and technology. 

ULisboa-IST consists of 3 campuses and 10 Departments. There are more than 11.500 full-year equivalent students, and about 1.500 full time equivalent teaching and non-teaching staff. Research at IST is organized in 23 R&D Units and 8 Associate Laboratories that address multidisciplinary research in an international and multicultural atmosphere. With its quality staff teams with managerial and leadership skills, along with its accomplished academic and research staff, ULisboa-IST has IST has contributed to improve and change mindsets through strategic joint initiatives that aim to educate, shape and have a significant global impact for future generations. With experience in more than 20 Erasmus+ projects, IST will be Project Coordinator and responsible for leading WP1 and Co-leading WP2. The team has experience in international project management, quality management, communication and dissemination, development of training modules and courses.

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Project Coordinator

Natacha Moniz

Project Manager



Susana Santana



Marta Tejada



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