UNICATION -is a Consortium consisting of 8 beneficiaries or partners, which are universities and institutions that originated from Europe or Third countries.
Why Join as a Partner?
UNICATION equips university staff with essential skills and knowledge in international
project management and communication,
empowering them to lead successful international collaborations and drive innovation
within their institutions.
Broadened Horizons: HEl staff will benefit from exposure to diverse
perspectives and best practices through workshops, training, and networking
enhancing their professional development and international outlook.
Future-Ready Graduates: Improved internationalization strategies
within partner HEls will enable them to offer more globally-focused programs and equip
students with the skills and competencies' needed to thrive in an interconnected world.
UNICATION strengthens the capacity of participating HEls to manage and implement
international projects effectively, improving their efficiency,
competitiveness, and visibility on the global stage.
Strengthened Collaboration: The project fosters collaborative
relationships between partner institutions, promoting knowledge sharing, joint research
and student exchange programs that benefit all stakeholders.
Sustainable Strategies: Developed strategic internationalization plans
guide partner HEls in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of internationalization,
ensuring long-term success and impact.
UNICATION contributes to the modernization of the higher education sector in Cambodia and
the Philippines by promoting best practices
in internationalization and collaboration.
Stronger Industry Linkage: By fostering stronger relationships between
universities and industry stakeholders, UNICATION facilitates knowledge transfer and
the development of graduates with skills aligned to national development needs.
Sustainable Impact:Sustainable Impact: The project's outcomes are
designed to have a ripple effect, impacting not only the partner HEls but also
to the social and economic development of the surrounding communities.
Benenfit of Partnerships
Fostering Long-Term Partnerships
UNICATION aims to establish strong and lasting partnerships between participating institutions, facilitating continued collaboration and knowledge exchange beyond the project duration.
Building Capacity for Self-Sufficiency
Training programs and workshops focus on equipping university staff with the skills and knowledge to continue internationalization efforts independently after the project concludes.
Developing Sustainable Resource
Comprehensive online resources and training materials will be accessible to all partner HEIs and the wider community, ensuring continued learning and knowledge sharing.
Member Directory
Instituto Superior Técnico/U Lisboa
Obuda University
Côte d’Azur University
University of the Philippines
Batangas State University
Phnom Penh International University
University of Heng Samrin Thbongkhmum