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About Us

UNICATION is a two-year project funded by the Erasmus+ CBHE program.

Our aim is to improve the level of competences and skills of Higher Education Institution (HEI) staff in international project management, particularly in communication.

By focusing on Cambodia and The Philippines, we address the growing need for internationalization in these regions.





Importance of Internationalization

Internationalization offers significant benefits for HEIs, including:

1 Enhanced research collaboration.

2 Improved student mobility.

3 Increased global recognition..

4 Access to diverse perspective and expertise.


 Capacity Building

 Communication Skill

 Project Management

Unication Target

By equipping HEI staff with essential skills and knowledge, we are cultivating a cadre of adept leaders prepared to excel in international projects and finesses

Staff in the International Offices of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

PhD students and young researchers interested in international projects.

Local stakeholders such as research institutions, other HEIs, social enterprises, and industry representatives involved in international collaborations.

Unication Solution

Training workshop on communication and project Management

Development of practical resource and guidelines

Networking opportunities with international partner

Sharing best practices and experiences

Key Projects Activities

WP1 Management and Quality (IST/ULisboa)

Development of strategic internationalization plans for partner HEIs.
For detailed information:

WP2 Preparation (IST/ULisboa)

Training modules on communication, interculturality, and project management (EU-hosted)

For detailed information:

WP3 Training and Trainees (UCA)

Implementation and evaluation of training and plans.

a. Masterclass – International Projects:

  1. Module 1: How to Build an Inclusive Project (July 2024)
  2. Module 2: Communication Skills for Project Managers (Sept 2024)
  3. Module 3: New Approaches and tools in internationalization (October 2024)
WP4 Mentoring in international project (NUM) (2025)

Local workshops on international project management in each HEI in Cambodia and Philippines.

WP5 Mentoring in international project (UP) (2025)

Local workshops on international project management in each HEI in Cambodia and Philippines.

WP6 Dissemination and Exploitation (PPIU)

Dissemination and networking activities.

For detailed information:

Expected Outcome

Improve Communication Skill among HEIs

Enhance capacity for managing international projects.

Strengthened internationalization strategies for partner HEIs

Increase collaboration and networking between institutions

A sustainable impact on the internationalization landscape in Cambodia and Philippines


Milestones and Deliverable


NumberRelative Number in WPNameLead BeneficiaryTypeDissemination LevelDue Date (in month)
D6D4.1Cambodia- National Multiplier in Training Workshop ReportNUMRPU20
D8D5.1Philipine- National Multiplier in Training Workshop ReportUPSRPU20
D11D6.2Project Website and Social Media AccountPPIUDECPU6
D12D6.3Dissemination Material and EventsPPIURPU24
D13D6.4Recommendation exploitationPPIURPU24


NumberWork PackageNameLead BeneficiaryMean of VerificationDue Date (in month)
MS11Kick-off Meeting, PMB, SC and WP meetingsULISBOAMeetings with presentations and participation lists (due dates: M1, M6, M12, M18, M20, M24)24
MS21External Quality TenderULISBOASelection of the External evaluatior6
MS32Defining survey questionsOUSurvey Template1
MS42Identification of survey target groupsOUList of Asian people that will reply to the survey (name, role, emails)2
MS52Survey completedOUList of responses6
MS63Selection of Asian TraineesUCAList of selected Trainees for WP39
MS73Identification of case-studiesUCAList of Project ideas9
MS83Training the trainers WSUCATraining Programme and Attendance list12
MS94Identification of Local participants in WS (WP4)NUMList of selected local Trainees for WP415
MS104National Multiplier Training Workshop in CambodiaNUMPresence List and Participation certificates18
MS114Presenting an International Projects proposal to decision makers in Cambodia HEINUMRecommendation of Proposal submission from HEI Decision-makers18
MS125Identification of Local participants in WS ( WPS)UPSList of selected local Trainees foe WP515
MS135National Multiplier Training Workshop in PhilippinesUPSPresence List and Participation certificates18
MS145Presenting an International Projects proposal to decision makers in Philippines HEIUPSRecommendation of Proposal submission from HEI Decision-makers18
MS156Identification of Regional Invited Stakeholders for final SeminarPPIUInvitation List20
MS166Final Meeting-Multiplier eventPPIUWS Programme, list of participants and presentations24

Project Management Structure